Next: Configuration and command files
Up: Stats manual for Stats
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Command line options
The list below gives all available command line options. Following the full
list is a further explanation of those options that mere mortals might not
fully understand from the brief descriptions in the list below.
Usage: stats [-a][-B<path>]
-a : Include all planets in report (also the unpopulated).
-b : List starbase related information.
A: All options.
b: Building order at starbase.
d: Defence (<base>+<planet>) / <base>.
D: Damage.
f: Fighters stationed here.
F: Friendly code.
l: Location of base in galactic coordinates x,y.
m: Mission.
n: Name of the planet the starbase is orbiting.
r: Reserves of torpedos.
t: Techlevels.
-B<path>: Path pointing to planets base dir ( Hullspec, etc.)
Default path is player data path.
-c : Change player data files.
b: Create/Replace beamup commands.
B: Undo '-cb'.
t: Set tax (see 'T' command line option).
f: Randomise planetary friendly code.
-d : Display planet related information.
A: All options.
c: Climate.
C: Consumption of supplies due to overpopulation.
e: Population expansion.
d: Display defense position (starbase==*).
D: Depletion time in turns per mineral.
f: Friendly code.
g: Ground deposits per mineral.
G: Tax levied in one maximum step of growth taxing.
h: Happiness values.
i: Industry (mines & factories).
l: Location of planet.
L: Tax levied at maximum sustainable tax rate.
m: Money (cash & supplies).
M<turns>: # mines needed to empty planet in [turns] turns.
Default: 20.
n: Planet name.
o: Display planetary output per mineral.
p: Population.
P: Maximum population.
r: Retrieval rate per mineral.
s: Display surface stores per mineral.
S: Maximum sustainable tax rate.
t: Current tax rate.
T: Maxtax.
-e : Common error detection.
A: All options.
d: Ship Fcode depending on mining mission.
b: bdm.
M: ships without missions.
c: cln.
T: Beam Transfere fcodes.
P: PBx.
e: ETA > 1.
l: lfm.
B: Bases without build order or mission.
D: planets with d > 49.
m: mkt.
s: special missions.
p: pop.
f: fuel shortages.
-f[path]: Stores various data in files in directory pointed to
by path. Default path is current dir.
-h : This list.
-i<1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|A|b|B>,<filename> : Parse commandfile.
-j<filename>: Parse configuration file.
-l : Display taxes levied from your subjects.
-m : Display mission list.
-M : Dump outgoing messages.
-o<filename> : Append output to file 'filename'.
-p[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|A|b|B]: Select players. Cumulative.
Default: all players.
-r : Display all hulltypes.
A: All options.
c: Building costs of complete ship as specified with 'l'.
i: Special indices and ratios.
l<torp,beam,engine>: Techlevels. Defaults: 9,7,9.
r: Empty and full maximum ranges.
t: Short ship type.
w: War relevant parameters.
1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|a|b: Select players. Default: all players.
-s : Gives total industrial production of players
-T<Colonists[,Natives]>: Set happiness targets for taxation.
Default: 70,70.
-t : Display data on enemy targets.
A: All options, except T (-tAT == everything).
c: Cargo in target, including fuel and weaponry.
h: Hull mass (no weaponry).
l: Location.
n: Name.
r: Race id.
t: Hull type.
T: Hull type long.
w: Weight.
-u : Unpack player file first. Requires '-p' option.
t: Create aditional plain text file containing the messages.
-v : Give version.
-w : Make distance table.
-x : Display ship data.
a: Ammunition (torpedoes/fighters) on board.
A: All options, except T (-xAT == everything).
b: Neutronium that will be burned this turn.
c: Cargo space.
d: Damage.
e: Race number of primary enemy.
f: Friendly code.
h: Heading.
H: Hull mass.
m: Minerals on board.
M: Mission.
n: Name of ship.
o: Non-mineral ship contents.
t: Short ship type name.
T: Long ship type name.
w: Weapons.
W: Weight of ship after beam transfer.
path : Directory with player data. (including trailing slash)
--turn : Display turn number from player files.
--help : Same as -h.
--defense : Display overview of interesting number
of defense posts.
--sanity : Display report of potentially unwanted
common errors like running out of fuel.
--mines : Same as -dpcsgM20rPn -a.
--population : Same as -dpPceLid.
--myhulls : Same as -rtwc .
Additional information on the command line options
This section contains some additional information on some command line
options, but lets first start of with some general remark concerning the
parsing of command line options. Options are parsed from left to right. Later
setting override earlier ones. The toggles activating information items on the
reports only enable items, they do not disable. Adding more switches
adds more informatio. Consecutive report commands do not generate additional
reports. So '-dnpP' is equal to '-dn -dpP'.
- -a
- This is a switch to -d and -w. Without it -d only shows planets with
colonists, with -a it also displays the info on not-yet colonised planets.
The same with -w, there -a also includes the not-yet colonised planets.
- -B
- should be specified including the trailing '/'. This is also the
location where the mission.ini file is expected.
- -c
- When this option is specified all player data files are written at
the end of the execution phase.
- -cf
- Randomises all non-special friendly codes to another non-special
friendly code. The resulting friendly code is human readable as required by
- -cb
- This options check for ships with a beamup special mission (the
special mission, not the 'gather molybdenum'-type). When such a ship is
found a matching beamup line in the outgoing messages is looked for. When
this beamup line exist and specifies all possible parameters, or does not
exist the ship us unloaded and a beamup line is created loading the cargo
that was beamed down back unto the ship.
Restated, this only applies to ships with the beamup special mission set. In
principle all cargo is unloaded to the planet and the beamup line is
calculated to beam everything back to the ship again. If an existing beamup
line is present, it's contents are taken into account.
In practice this boils down to privateer protection. Set the beamup special
mission and stats rains everything down and beams it up again, untouchable
by those nasty stealing basterds. That 'll teach them!
To allow easy changes to the cargo content the -cB option has been created.
This loads all beamup commands into the ships so changes can be made,
getting the right amounts of cargo into the right ships.
- -ct
- Taxation uses the growth method. The lower limits can be set using
the -T options. The turn before the 100% happiness would be exceeded the
natives are taxed. The tax level used is the lowest tax rate that generates
the same amount of MC as the tax rate that would set the population to the
happiness threshold next turn. Basically, this means the natives are taxed
as much as possible, but keeping in mind their happiness and the amount of
available tax collectors (colonists).
When the player is Borg some exceptions exists3.1:
- Natives are taxed towards the native happiness threshold as fast as
possible with collection of all coins.
- Colonist are taxed using the growth method only after the natives have
disappeared. Before that time colonist are taxed to keep them at 100%.
- -dC
- Phost formulas are used.
- -dD
- Using the current number of mines. Trans uranium decay is accounted
for, meteors not.
- -dG
- Outputs the amount of tax levied from the native population when
giving them the maximum 100 to 70 happiness kick using the growth
method. This is the same as the number of colonists you need to get this
maximum efficiency out of the growth tax method.
- -dM
- the optional argument sets the amount of time you allow for
stripping the planet clean of it's minerals. When this deadline cannot be
met by 999 or less mines 'In' is displayed (for 'infinite').
- -dP
- The maximum planetary population is calculated based on the race
owning the planet. In case of an unowned planet the player's id is used.
Since different races allow different populations to live on a planet, this
might not have the effect you expected.
- -dT
- for more details on tax see the -l report.
- -f
- when a directory is specified this should end with a trailing slash,
otherwise it is seen as a file prefix. The files listed below are created in
that (or otherwise the current) directory. If the files already exist, the
information is appended to them. If you do this four times in one turn, the
same information gets added four times, so you're warned.
Each line contains the turn number and the information item. This is ideal
food for gnuplot. A file with sample gnuplot commands is provided in the
scripts/ directory. Files generated all have a name formatted like:
stats indicates the file contains statistical data, score
indicates the file contains score information, and dbase indicates
the file contains a set of multiple information items. What the codes mean
is explained below.
- Score:
- P
- Planets.
- B
- Bases.
- C
- Capital ships.
- F
- Freighters.
- S
- Ships = Capital ships + Freighters.
- TP
- Total number of planets owned by all players together.
- TB
- Total number of bases owned by all players together.
- TC
- Total number of capital ships owned by all players together.
- TS
- Total number of ships owned by all players together.
- TF
- Total number of freighters owned by all players together.
- Dbase:
- T
- Targets.
- Stats:
- F
- Total neutronium generated by empire, alchemy excluded.
- T
- Total tritanium generated by empire, alchemy excluded.
- D
- Total duranium generated by empire, alchemy excluded.
- M
- Total molybdenum generated by empire, alchemy excluded.
- C
- All MC available.
- c
- Total tax income.
- f
- All neutronium available.
- t
- All tritanium available.
- d
- All duranium available.
- m
- All molybdenum available.
- p
- Total number of defence posts.
- r
- Total number of mines.
- I
- Total number of factories.
- i
- All supplies available.
- gF
- Neutronium still in the ground.
- gT
- Tritanium still in the ground.
- gD
- Duranium still in the ground.
- gM
- Molybdenum still in the ground.
- -i
- Note the comma. It is required.
- -l
- This options tells everything you may want to know about taxation.
Some headings might not be clear at first sight, they are explained below.
- Hap
- The current happiness of the colonists.
- Hp0
- How happy your colonist will be next turn when they don't have to
pay taxes.
- Mt
- The maximum tax rate you can set while keeping them happy above
happy target.
- Ut
- The lowest tax rate that will earn you as much as the Mt rate.
- Natives
- from left to right: native clans, race, government.
- Ind
- What would be levied at the current Ut rate when colonist were
not an issue.
- Take
- Same as Ind, but now taking colonists into account.
- -o
- Redirects all non-error output.
- -rt
- the short hull types are generated using the first letter of each
word in the long ship type name. This results in some double codes for the
standard ship list. Table 3.1 contains the modifications
made to make all codes unique. When using non-standard ship lists one should
be aware these might introduce new double codes. No check is performed on
this in the code generation. Normally this is not an issue, but ships to get
traded or nicked. This short code ends up for instance in the history data
files, there it is harder to distinguish between ships, hence the remapping.
Table 3.1:
Remapped short ship types.
- -ri
- Gives some special indices which are useful for evaluating ship
- P/i
- Punch per investment. The higher the more bang for the buck.
- PMi
- Punch times mass per investment. Big bang is no fun when one goes
kaboom oneselfs.
- P/i
- Same as before, but now the price of the fish3.2 is also accounted for.
- PMi
- Same as before, but now the price of the fish is also accounted
- Mtr
- Cargo room / hull mass. The higher the more suited the hull is
for moving things around.
- -rr
- How many light years could this ship travel starting with a full
tank, and assuming it was either completely full, or empty the entire way.
Does not take gravitonic capabilities, and a lot of other things into
- -tt
- see -rt.
- -u
- Unpack the player?.rst file when present. It does so only
for the specificly specified player. It thus will only work together with
the -p option. -u can handle both planets and winplan files. However only
the planets.exe files are extracted from the winplan *.rst file. This option
is bigtargets proof.
- -ut
- This generates the mdata<pid>.txt file. which is human readable and
input for the scrore extractor script in the vga_scripts directory.
- -xH
- This is including the weight of weaponry.
- -xt
- See -rt.
- -sanity
- One of the most beautiful options of the game. It was created
to help prevent all those silly mistakes you can make when playing planets.
What it all checks for is described in the following section.
A description of what is and isn't checked by the sanity checking option.
Friendly Codes 'mdh', 'mdq', 'mdN', and 'miN' require a 'Lay Mines' mission.
Friendly Code 'msc' requires a 'mine sweep' mission. Ships with such friendly
codes are checked to see if the related mission is also set. When this is not
the case a warning is displayed.
Ships with Friendly Code 'bdm' are checked on two items. First is there any money to
beam down? Second are they above a planet? When either of these questions
answers "no" a warning is displayed, since you probably forgot to turn of the
friendly code.
Missions are too valuable to be running a ship without them. All ships without
a mission are reported. Missions formulated as commands in your outgoing
messages are not taken into account.
Checks to see if ships with a friendly code 'cln' are next to a planet with a
base that has the required tech levels to perform the clone, and if the planet
has sufficient resources to build the copy. Not taken into account are:
- Beam down resource missions from allied, or own, ships.
- Resources resulting from an 'unload freighter' mission of your star
- Tows on the ship to be cloned.
- If the to-be-cloned ship is not planning to move this turn.
- Ships with friendly code 'btm' are checked to for credits.
- Ships with friendly code 'btf' are checked for fighters, or fighter
- Ships with friendly code 'btt' are checked for torpedoes, or torpedo
All of the above ships are checked to see if there is at least one know ship
of another race at the same location.
Checks if a 'PBx' friendly code is used by more than one planet with base, and
also reports any skipped PBx codes. When for example two planets have a 'PBx'
friendly code set. Say PB1, a warning will be reported PB1 has been used
twice. Also a warning is issued if you skipped a number, for instance if you
only used PB1 and PB3.
This reports all ships that will not arrive at their destination the next
turn. The following items are taken into consideration:
- Ship's damage preventing set warp speed, taking into account an eventual
Lizard bonus.
- Gravitonic accelerators for the three ships in the standard ship list.
- 'HYP' friendly code.
- Gravity wells pulling ships to planets.
Ship repairs and towing are not taken into account.
Ships with friendly code 'lfm' are first checked to see if they are owned by
the Robot, Rebel, or Colonial. For the rest of the warnings it is assumed you
only want to use the 'lfm' code to process resources already on the ship, and
want to reserve the resources remaining on the planet for other things. In
order to validate that this policy is correctly implemented two checks are
performed. First a check is performed whether at least one fighter can be
build using the ship's cargo. Secondly a check is performed to see if the ship
has space left to load a resources for at least one additional fighter, and
resources for at least one are on the planet. Not taken into account are beam
transfer missions, or an 'unload freighter' mission from an orbiting base.
Bases with a mission or a build order are reported.
All planets with more than 49 defence posts on the planet and no 'ATT' or
'PB?' friendly code are reported.
Ships with friendly code 'mkt' are reported when they have no torpedo bays, or
lack the resources to build at least one torpedo.
This is based on the phost default mission.ini configuration. The following
items are reported:
- Ships with with exploration mission.
- Ships with 'Lay Mines', 'Lay Minefield', or 'Lay Web Mine' mission
without torpedo bays or sufficient torpedoes. For 'Lay mines' one torpedo is
counted as sufficient.
- Ships with a colonise mission set.
- Ships with 'Beam Up Supp', 'Beam Up Fuel', 'Beam Up Dur', 'Beam Up Tri',
or 'Beam Up Mol' which are not orbiting a planet.
- Ships with 'Build Torpedoes from Cargo' mission set that cannot build
any torpedoes.
- Non-crystal ships with 'Lay Web Mines' mission, mission number 22.
- Ships with mission 'Scoop Torpedoes', but insufficient cargo space to
scoop max torpedoes, or no torpedo bays. (The location of the minefield is
not checked).
- Ships with mission 'Gather-Build Torpedoes' that are not above a planet,
have no torpedo bays, have insufficient cargo space to build the requested
torpedoes, or where the planet lacks the resources to build the requested
number of torpedoes.
- Ships with mission 'Beam Down Credits' beaming down in deep space, or
above one of our own planets, or lacking the credits specified.
- Ships with 'Transfer Torpedoes', or 'Transfer Fighters' mission that
lack the specified number of fighter or torpedoes, or have no known ships
from other races on the same location.
- Ships with mission 'Transfer Money' that lack the specified credits or
where the destination ships is not present.
- Ships with mission 'Beam Up Credits', or 'Beam Up Clans' that are not
above a planet from another race.
- Ships with mission 'Lay Mines In' without torpedo bays or sufficient
torpedoes. (The location of the minefield is not checked).
- Ships with mission 'Lay Web Mines In' that have no torpedo bays or
insufficient torpedoes, or that are not owned by the Crystals. (The location
of the minefield is not checked).
All ships with a friendly code 'pop' are listed. Popping is good, but just to
make sure you don't pop one too many...
All ships with a friendly code 'NTP' are listed.
Reports ships that will run out of fuel before they reach their destination at
the given warp speed. Ships with a 'Beam Up Fuel', or 'Beam Up Multiple'
mission which are above a planet are not reported, the assumption is made that
they will beam up sufficient fuel to reach their destination. Note: this
is not fail-safe! Intercepts are treated as any other destination. This
means that only against the current location a check is performed.
Next: Configuration and command files
Up: Stats manual for Stats
Previous: Examples
Reinout van Rees